
Saturday 5 October 2013

Sufi and bhakti movement

Sufi and bhakti movement


Sufis were the muslim mystics who opposed complete materialism and degeneration of morals following the establishment of Islamic empire. Wahadat ul wujud or unity of being was their doctrine. 

The Main sufi orders in India 

Chisti: Its founder was Shaikh Muin ud din Chisti. The important leaders were Hamid ud din Naguri, Qutb ud din Bahktiyar Kaki, Nizamuddin Auliya who adopted yogic practices, Badri discarded his cloths while praying, Farid shakarganj practiced austerity like a sanyasi and Nasir ud Chiraq who controlled followed breathing techniques were important chistis.

Suhrwardi order: Its founder was Shaik Shihabudeen Suhrawardi.Important leaders were Baha ud din Zakariya and Rukn ud din Abul Fath. Unlike Chistis they held important posts in the ecclesiastical department. 

Other important orders were
 Qadri , Naqshabandi ,Shattari order etc.

Bhakti Movement

Bhakti movement emphasis devotion to a personal god for attaining Salvation. The important exponents of Nirguna school( believed that god without of form and attributes) were Kabir ,Nanak, Dadu Dayal, Raidasa, Sundaradasa , Dharanidasa etc. The exponents of Saguna school (God with form and attributes) were Chaitanya, Surdas, Mirabai, Sankaradasa , Tulsidas etc.Kabir was a Muslim weaver and a disciple of Ramanada Pleaded for Hindu Muslim unity and brotherhood of man through hisdohas(poems) in a book named Bijjaka.
Nanak preached a casteless, universal, ethical , anti ritualistic and monotheistic like Kabir. His followers were called Sikhs. After his death, nine Sikh guru followed The second Guru started Gurumukhi script Guru Arjun , the fifth guru compiled the Granth Sahib(religious text)Guru Tez Bahadur was executed by Aurangazeb Guru Gobind Singh established the Khalsa and organized the Sikhs into a military sect.
Chaitanya was responsible for the popularity of Vaisnavism in Bengal adovacated ragamarga or the path of sponataneous love was best for salvation.
Surdas popularized Krishna cult and was the author of Sur Sagara, Sur Sarawali etc.
Mirabai was a great devotee of Krishna and popularized this cult in Rajasthan Sankaradeva spread bhakti in Assam Tulsi Das was a worshipper of Rama and composed Ramcharitmanas in Hindi.

Bhakti saints of Maharastra

The Bakti saints of Maharastra were Jnanadeva (13th century) who wrote Jnanesvari, Namadeva (14th Cent.), Eknatha(16th ), Tukaram (17th ) was the contemporary of Sivaji and Ramdas was the Guru of Sivaji and his work is known as dasabodha.

Name of Philosophy
Visishtadvaita (Modified Monism)
Dvaita (Dualism)
Davaitadvaita (Dualistic Monism)
Suddhadvaita(Pure Non Dualism)

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