
Saturday 5 October 2013

Governor generals and viceroy of india

Governor generals and viceroy of india

Governors-General of Fort William in Bengal

  • Warran Hastings (1773-85)
    • Regulating Act of 1773,
    • Rohilla war (1774)
    • Nanad Kumar incident (1175)
    • Chait singh affair (1778)
    • First maratha war (1778-82)
    • Begams of oudha affair(1782)
    • Pitts India Act of 1784
    • Second mysore war (1780-84)
    • Foundation of Asiatic society of Bengal by Warren Hastings and Sir William Jones.
  • Lord Cornwallis 1786
    • Third Mysore War (1790-92)
    • Treaty of seringapatanam (1792)
    • introduction of permanent settlement and reform of judiciary
  • Lord Wellesley (1798 – 1805)
    • Subsidiary system (1798)
    • first treaty with Nizam (1798)
    • Fourth Mysore war (1799)
    • Second Maratha War (1803-1805)
    • formation of Madras presidency (1801)
  • Marquess Cornwallis (for the second time) 1805
  • Sir George Barlow
  • Lord Minto (I) (1807 -13)

    • Vellore Mutiny (1806)
    • Treaty off Amritsar (1809)
    • Charter Act of 1813
  • Lord Hastings (1813-23)
    • Nepal(Gorkha) war (1814-16)
    • treaty of Saguli
    • Third Maratha War (1817-18)
    • creation of Bombay Presidency
    • Pindari war
    • Ryotwari settlement in Madras
  • Lord Amherst (1823-28)
    • First Burmese war
    • capture of Bharatpur (1826)
  • Lord William Cavendish-Bentinck (1828-35)
    • Prohibition of Sati (1829)
    • Charter Act of 1833
    • suppression of thuggee (1829-35)
    • Maculays minutes
    • abolition of provincial court of appeal and circuit
    • appointment of commmissioners
  • Sir Charles (Lord) Metcalfe
    • freed Indian press from restrictions
  • Lord Auckland 1836 (March)
    • First Afghan War (1836-42)
  • Lord Ellenborough
    • Termination of First Afghan Wars (1842)
    • annexation of Sind (1843)
    • abolition of slavery
  • Lord Hardinge (1844-48)
    • First Sikh war (1845-1846)
    • Treaty of Lahore
    • prohibition of female infanticide and human sacrifice among Gonds of central India.
  • Lord Dalhousie (1848-56)
    • Second Sikh War (1845-1846) and annexation of Punjab,
    • Second Burmese war (1852)
    • Charter act of 1853
    • Appication of Doctrine of Lapse
    • Woods dispatch
    • Introduction of Railways(Bombay to Thana)
    • Telegraph(Calcutta to Agra)
    • postal system
    • Widow remarriage Act (1856)
    • Santhal uprising (1855-56)
Governors-General and Viceroy 
  • Lord Canning
    • Queen Victorias proclamation and India Act of 1858
    • White Mutiny
    • Indian Councils Act of 1861
    • Indian Penal Code in 1860
  • Lord Elgin (I) (1862)
    • suppressed Wahabis movement
  • Lord John Lawrence (1864 -69)
    • Bhutan War ( 1865)
    • Establishment of High Courts at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1865
  • Lord Mayo (1869-72)
    • Establishment of statistical survey of India
    • Dept. of Agriculture and commerce
    • state railways
    • He was assassinated in Andamans in 1872.
  • 1872 Sir John Strachey
  • 1872 Lord Napier of Merchistoun
  • 1872 Lord Northbrook
  • Lord Lytton (I) (1876-80)
    • Royal Titles Act of 1876
    • assumption of title of empress of India by Queen Victoria
    • Vernacular Press Act
    • Arms Act of 1878
    • Second Afghan War (1878-80)
    • appointment of first famine commission in 1878.
  • Lord Ripon (1880-84)
    • First Factory Act and First census
    • Local Self Government in 1882
    • division finances of the centre in 1882
    • Hunter commission on Education
    • Ilbert Bill Controversy
  • Lord Dufferin (1884-88)
    • Burmese War (1885-86)
    • Foundation of Indian National Congress
  • Lord Landsdowne (1888-94)
    • Factory Act of 1891
    • Division of Civil services into Imperial, Provincial and Subordinate
    • Indian councils Act of 1892
    • Appointment of Durand Commission and its definition of Durand line
    • Between India (Now Pakistan) and Afghanistan
  • Lord Elgin (II)
    • Assassination of British By Chapekar
  • Lord Curzon (1899-1905)
    • Thomas Raleigh commission
    • Ancient Monuments Preservation Act of 1904
    • Establishment of Agriculture research Institute at Pusa in Bihar
    • Partition of Bengal in 1905
  • Lord Minto (II) (1905-10)
    • Anti Partition and swadeshi movements
    • Surat session and Split in the congress
    • Minto Morley reforms
    • Foundation of Muslim League by Aga Khan
    • Nawab of Dacca etc. in 1906
  • Lord Hardinge II (1910-16)
    • Annulment of partion of Bengal
    • Transfer imperial capital to Delhi
    • Death of G.K. Gokhale in 1915
    • foundation of Hindu Mahasabha in 1915
  • Lord Chelmford (1916 -21)
    • Return of Ghandhji
    • Home Rule leagues
    • Luknow Session and reunion of congress in 1916
    • Lucknow pact in 1916 by the efforts of B.G.Tilak
    • August Declaration of Montague
    • Formation of Indian Liberal Federation by S.N.Banerjee
    • Jallian Walla Bagh Massacre (13 April 1919)
    • Khilafat movement (1919-20)
    • Appointment of Sir S.P.Sinha as Lieutenant Governor of Bihar (First Indian)
  • Lord Reading (1921-26)
    • Chauri Chaura incident ( 5th Feb 1922)
    • Formation of Swaraj party by C.R.Das
    • Motilal Nehru in Dec 1922
    • Foundation of Rastriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) by K.B.Hedgewar (1925)
    • Repeal of Rowlatt Act
    • Holding of simultaneous examinations in India and England
    • Beginning of Indianisation of officers cadre of the Indian Army.
  • Lord Irwin (1926-31)
    • Simon commission and its Boycott
    • Harcourt Butler Indian States commission (1927)
    • Nehru report and its rejection by Muslim League
    • Hindu Mahasabha etc.
    • Deepavali declaration
    • Lahore session (1929)
    • Poorna swaraj declaration
    • launching of Civil Disobedience Movement and Dandi march
    • First Round Table Congress
    • Gandi Irwin Pact.
  • Lord Willingdon (1931-36)
    • Second and Third Round Table conferences
    • communal award (1932) by Ramsay Mac Donald
    • Poona pact between Gandhi and Ambedkar(1932)
    • Govt. of India Act 1935
    • Foundation of Socialist Party by Acharya Narendra Dev and Jai Prakash Narayan (1934)
  • Lord Linlithgow (1936-43)
    • Formation of congress ministries
    • Resignation of Subash Chandra Bose from the President ship of congress
    • formation of Forward Block
    • August offer by Linlithgow and its rejection by congress
    • Deliverance day by Muslim League (1939)
    • Cripps Mission
    • Quit India movement
  • Lord Wavell (1943-47)
    • C.R.Formula by C.Rajagopalchari
    • Wavell Plan and Simla Conference
    • INA Trials
    • Naval Mutiny (1946)
    • Cabinet Mission ( Lawrence, Cripps and Alexander)
    • Formation of Interim Government and Launching of Direct Action Day.
  • Lord Mountbatten (1947)
    • Partition of India and Independence

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