
Saturday 5 October 2013

Buddhism and jainism

Buddhism and jainism

Causes of Origin

Post Vedic society was clearly divided into four varnas:brahmanas, kshatrias, vaishyas and shudras. More privileges were granted to first two varnas and numerous obligations were placed on last two varnas. However the first three varnas were known as dvija (twice born) and allowed to study Vedas and entitled to wear sacred.
This created social tenstions. The emergence of new agrarian economy and the destruction of cattle wealth in the name sacrifice really affected life of the people. To find a solution to this problem, numerous religious sects as many as 62 sects were emerged. Most prominent among them were Buddhism and Jainism.

Buddhist Councils

Place & Date
Presided by
Rajagriha,483 BC
Settlement of Sutta Pitaka (Buddhist sayings) & Vinaya Pitaka ( Monastic code)
Vaisali, 383 BC
Split into orthodox Sthaviravadins(Thervadins) and unorthodox Mahasanghikas
Pataliputra 250 BC
Moggaliputta Tissa (Upagupta)
Final compilation of Tripitakas and sending missionaries to different parts
Kashmir 1 AD
Split into Hinayanists and Mahayanists

The Pali canonical texts are known as Tripitakas. They are Sutta (sermon), Vinaya (conduct) and Abhidhamma (metaphysical) pitakas. The largest and most important pittaka is Sutta pitaka divided into Nikayas (groups) Digha(long), Majjhima (medium), Samyutta (connected), Anuguttara (graduated) and Kuddaka (minor). TheKhuddaka consists of Jataka (previous birth stories of Buddha).


Gaudama or Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism was born (563 BC) in Lumbini in the Sakya clan of Kapilavastu. His parents were Suddhidahana and Maya. After his mothers death he was brought up by Prajapati Gautami. The sight of an old man, a sick man, a corpse and an ascetic made him to leave the palace in search of truth. This is known as Great renunciation or Mahabhinishkramana. After 6 years he attained theEnlightenment (nirvana) under a papal tree and came to be known as Buddha (the enlightened ) or tathagat (who attained truth). At the deer park near Saranath , Buddha preached his first sermon. Buddhists often call this the "turning of the wheel of the law." Or Dharmachakraparivarthana, He preached next 45 years and passed away in 483 BC at Kusinagar(UP).
He said that the world is full of sorrows. the cause of sorrow is desire. if desires are conquered nirvana will be attained. The only way this can be done by following the eight fold path. (Ashtangamarga). He rejected the infallibility of Vedas. condemned sacrifices and rituals. attacked caste system and priestly supremacy. laid emphasis on Karma and transmigration of souls. said that All things are composite, So they are transient . No eternal soul. the characteristics of the world Sorrowful, transient and soulless are repeated in several teachings. Buddha is an agnostic: He neither accepts or reject the existence ofGOD. He admitted women in his sangha on the advice of his disciple Ananda. Prajapati Gautami was the first women to join.

Mahayana Buddhism & Vajrayanism

  • Mahayana, the greater vehicle to salvation, promised salvation to all as opposed to Hinayana( lesser vehicle).Mahayana Buddhism developed the concept of a series of Buddhas and future Buddha (Maitreya). TheBodhisattva(being of wisdom) could help the followers to eternal bliss. The heavenly Buddha concerned with our world was Amitaba(Immeasurable Radience) who dealt insukhavati. The other important Bodhisattvas wereAvalokiteswara (the lord who looks down) also known asPadampani, Manjusri who is depicted with a sword in one hand to destroy error and falsehood and a book. Vajrapaniis the foe of sin and evil bears a thunderbolt like Indra. The most important text of this school is Nagrajuna's Madhyamika Karika which expounds their philosophySunyata.
  • Vajrayanism: It is another form of Buddhism developed from the 5th century AD which laid more interest in feminine divinities and practised magico religious rites which often contained licentious features. This magical Buddhism is also known as Tantrism. There are divisions right hand sect and left hand sect. To the left hand sect, the name Vajrayana (vehicle of Thunderbolt) is applied. It became popular in Bengal and Bihar from 8th century AD.

Jainism is a Nastik (atheist) philosophy preached by 24 `Tirthankaras (fordmakers), the last being Vardhamana. He was born in 540 BC at Kundagram near Vaisali in Jnatri Kshatriya clan. His father was Siddharatha, mother : Trisala, sister of Chetaka belonging to Lichchavis of Vaisali. He became an ascetic at the age of 12. he attained Kaivalya (perfect knowledge)at 45. preached for 30 years and died at 72 at pavapuri nearRajagriha. The five principles of Jainism were : no violence (ahimsa), no lies(satya), no steeling(asteya), no property (aparigraha) and observing continence (brahmachariya). The last one added by Mahavira the rest being the teachings of Parsva his predecessor.
Jainism though does not believe in God, however, believes in the concept of re-birth. The ethical doctrines of Jainism are based on the path of liberation, comprising right belief, right knowledge and right conduct.
The Jains are divided into two major sects, Digambara (Sky-clad or naked) and Shvetambara (White-clad). Digambara Jains are more austere and go about nude or free from all material trappings and social inhibitions. To attain Kavalajnana or final liberation, they prefer voluntary death. In Shvetambara, which is less austere, people can use a simple white cloth. The difference in the two sects is more in rituals than in doctrines.
According to Svetabaras, the original doctrine taught by Mahavira was contained in 14 old text called Purva. The first Jain council was held at Pataliputra (310 B.C.). led to the compilation of 12 Angas by Svetambaras which was not accepted by digambaras. The second council was held at Vallabhi in Gujarat (512 A.D) .
Important patrons of Jainism Udayin, the successor of Ajatasatru, the Nandas , Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta with his preceptor Bhadrabahu and other Jain sages, settled down in shravanabelagola, King Kharavela of Kalinga , Royal dynasties of Gangas, Kadambas , Chalukyas and Rastrakudas.

Six orthodox philosophical systems of ancient India & Types of marriage prevalent in Ancient India

Six orthodox philosophical systems of ancient India

Important text samkhyakarika of Isvara Krishna

Based on Vaisesika Sutra
Based on Nyaya Sutra
Brahmasutra or Vedanta of Badarayana
It is also known as purvamimamsa

Types of Marriage
  • 1. Brahma : marriage of a duly dowered girl to a man of same varna with vedic      rites and rituals
  • 2. Daiva : Father gives his daughter to a sacrificial preist as part of his fees
  • 3. Arsa : A token bride price of a cow and a bull is given
  • 4. Prajapati : Marriage without dowry and pride price
  • 5. Gandharava : a special form of swaymavara with the consent of two parties
  • 6. Asura : Marriage by purchase
  • 7. Paisacha : seduction of a girl while asleep
  • 8. Rakshasa : Marriage by capture

Anuloma marriage : marriage of a man below his varna. These type of mariages were sanctioned by religious texts.Pratiloma marriage: marrigage of a woman below her varna. not sanctioned by the religious text.

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