
Saturday 21 September 2013

India-China Relationship

India-China Relationship:In international point of view

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances -Thomas Jefferson

Former American Intellectual Mr. Thomas Jefferson said it truly. According to current world scenario it seems a beacon for all nations. Every nation wants to develop itself and there is no doubt that this is essential for all. There is no blame when one does this with respect to others but over ambitions may ruin the world peace. In this context, Indo-China relationship is an important lesson.

Before starting analysis, we should take a look on history. China and India are two of the world’s oldest civilizations and have co-existed for millenniums.  Both have produced many intellectual personalities. Both have given the base of various arts, knowledge and prosperity.While China gave paper, fireworks and marshal art, India gave Zero, Decimal system and Astrology to whole world. Historically, India and china were good friends and European imperialism destroyed the old traditional relationship. Before 1947 while India was victim of imperialism, China was suffering from civil war. 

Now India and china are the two super powers of Asia continent and growing in the world parallel, which contains one-third of the world population. It needs various resources to fulfill their requirements. They have their own concern about economy, social development and political aspects. Due to these all they want to become a supreme power of this continent which affects their interests on these fields. It makes them aggressive and ambitious to controlling the power on the same region.

To avoid such situation of collision in their respective interests they signed an agreement called  “PANCHSHIL “ on 1954 between former Indian Prime Minister Pt. J. L. Nehru and Chinese President Mr.Chau-In -Lai, at the time it is said that “Indian-Chinese are like brothers” the following five points were included.

1. Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty,
2. Mutual non-aggression,
3. Mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs,
4. Equality and mutual benefit, and
5. Peaceful co existence.

But it was not long lasting, after few years; in 1962 China violated this treaty and forced the war on India. The hidden agenda behind this were these-

1. China wanted to make India as spineless in every field for many years which indirectly empower the Chinese government.
2. If they were going to defeat India than it was going to be very safe for their dynasty for several years without any obstacle.
3. It helps China to take all controls of this region and become a financial tycoon of the world.

This is obvious that as good neighbors we should respect to each other and try to improve our faith. But it is very difficult to maintain the relationship when someone thinks it as one dimensional view and wants to become a boss. 

We have some challenges with this relationship here we go through some salient points.

1. Border Disputes: - This is the big issue over all. There are many areas like Arunachal Pradesh, Tawang district, Aksai Chin and Shaksgam Valley.
2. Tibet Dispute: - China always claims for this region and deny the independency of Tibet and their religious master Dalai Lama. While India is in favor of its liberty and respect Dalai Lama as honorable guest of India.
3. Security Concerns: - China always thinks India as threat for his safety. Recently he established some security post over Pacific Ocean along with his coastline and trying to supervise India through his friend nations like Pakistan, Myanmar and Srilanka.
4. Economical Fear: - India and china both are the largest exporter of various kinds of raw materials and goods. So they look each other as competitor. It makes them aggressive on their policies and behavior.
5. Political Pressure: - According to world politics there is much international pressure to maintain their dignity as well as internal satisfaction. For balancing such things sometime we ignore interests of others.

Above mentioned points are the really serious factors in building confidence to each other. So what is the solution to overcome these issues? Now we look into broad aspect in this.

1. Communication: - This is the most important solution to understand the reality of problems. Continue and optimistic talk can destroy all the disputes in very sober manners otherwise communication gap may ruin the confidence.
2. Multidimensional Approach: - we should act like a good neighbors and respect each other with very gentle attitude. We should act in each and every field with broad minded approach. The positive thought is the key of any relationship.
3. Policy Transparency: - On the disputed issues we should clear our intentions; the best policy is to make transparency between both nations.

We can draft a mutually acceptable policy on our foreign relationship. It is said that “it takes two to make a quarrel”. So this is the mutual responsibility for both nations. Single hand effort cannot make it fruitful while other one is busy to impose his rules and laws. India should be careful on policy making, should learn from the past. There is no need to be a blind follower on the cost of self esteem.

After our thorough analysis we find that mutual understanding and confidence is the key of our relationship. This is the age of co-operation and if anyone thinks about only himself than he will be axing on his own feet and have to face some serious problems in future. Both countries are the part of many important alliances like BRICS, G5 and G20 so they have big responsibilities to maintain the values in all aspects. We should take some positive steps towards making confidence mutually. We have to think beyond our past and the blossom of relationship is not far away from us.

"The world must learn to work together, or finally it will not work at all."  -Dwight Eisenhower

According to you, how much important a positive Indo-China bilateral relationship for both countries,for Asia and for the whole world?

What can be done by the both countries to make the relationship stronger and trusty?

Please comment your views and opinions here…

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