
Friday 16 August 2013

Types of government-1.democracy 2.republic 3.monarchy 4.aristocracy 5.dictatorship 5.democractic republic

Types of government

Governments can be classified into several types. Some of the more
common types of governments are:
1.democracy 2.republic 3.monarchy 4.aristocracy 5.dictatorship 5.democractic republic

1. Democracy
The word "democracy" literally means "rule by the people." In a democracy,
the people govern.

2. Republic  
A literal democracy is impossible in a political system containing more
than a few people. All "democracies" are really republics. In a republic,
 the people elect representatives to make and enforce laws.

3. Monarchy
A monarchy consists of rule by a king or queen. Sometimes a king is
 called an "emperor," especially if there is a large empire, such as China
before 1911. There are no large monarchies today. The United Kingdom,
which has a queen, is really a republic because the queen has virtually
no political power.

4. Aristocracy
An aristocracy is rule by the aristocrats. Aristocrats are typically wealthy,
 educated people. Many monarchies have really been ruled by aristocrats.
 Today, typically, the term "aristocracy" is used negatively to accuse
 a republic of being dominated by rich people, such as saying,
"The United States has become an aristocracy."

5. Dictatorship
A dictatorship consists of rule by one person or a group of people. Very few
 dictators admit they are dictators; they almost always claim to be leaders
 of democracies. The dictator may be one person, such as Castro in Cuba or 
Hitler in Germany, or a group of people, such as the Communist Party in China.

6. Democratic Republic
Usually, a "democratic republic" is not democratic and is not a republic.
A government that officially calls itself a "democratic republic" is
usually a dictatorship. Communist dictatorships have been especially prone
 to use this term. For example, the official name of North Vietnam
was "The Democratic Republic of Vietnam." China uses a variant,
"The People's Republic of China.

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